Green Salon Collective
We recycle the unrecyclable
Hairdressing salons and barbers contribute a huge amount of foils, tint tubes, cans and bottles to landfill every year. Most of which takes 400 years to break down. We at Hair Gallery are striving towards becoming and greener salon with more sustainable practices and new eco friendly products. As proud members of Green Salon Collective we are now able to recycle all our hair, chemicals, paper, metals and plastics.
While most councils only take 3 out of 7 plastics in the recycling bin and only if you’ve washed it first, we can recycle all our plastics with Green Salon Collective. They have turned them into hair combs and tint bowls completing the circle of use.
We recycle your hair trimmings! Wait, what? Yes we can. Your hair goes into hair mats to feed potted plants. Did you know hair is 15% nitrogen which when broken down in compost is readily available to feed plant life. You can take it home for your garden or composter. Just ask us! Human hair is also made into hair booms used to soak up oil spills in waterways and oceans. Amazing!
Foils, cans, tint tubes. All our metals are taken, no matter if its got bleach or tint all over it. Metal can be recycled infinitely yet only 47 percent gets recycled in the UK at present. Often contaminated metals such as food cans are tossed to landfill during sorting. GSC will take it all and recycle it all!
We are recycling all our paper, cardboard and disposable cups. Normally these go into the recycling bin along with other recyclables but paper is often left contaminated rendering it non recyclable. We now keep our paper waste separately with the aim of 100% being recycled. Our disposable cups go to the National Paper Cup Recycling Scheme via Green Salon Collective.
Left over tint, bleach, straightening and perming solutions are usually poured down the sink contaminating water ways and land. Well, no more, with thanks to GSC our chemical waste will go on to be used to create energy for the National Grid!